Sunday, July 10, 2011

Creative Common License Storyboard

(2 Minutes)
My introduction will consist on a short video which puts common license in easy terms.  Afterwards, I will be explaining creative common license more in-depth.
●●●Creative common license and education●●●
(3 minutes)
Many students, as well as teachers, misuse other’s work.  I will use this portion of the video to explain how easily it is to break the law in the educational environment.

(2 Minute)
In this portion of the video I will discuss the different penalties that may be inflicted on an individual if they infringe upon a copyright owner’s rights.

●●●How to prevent infringement ●●●
(2 Minute)
There are ways to use another individual’s work without being penalized.  I will be discussing the steps needed to use others’ work including open educational resources.

(1 Minute)
The conclusion will consist of me reviewing the high points of the video.  I will end the video with a probing question and another short video clip.

***Sites that may be resourced for the video***


Sandra said...

Hello Belinda,

I am interested in learning more about common license. I agree with you that the lack of education about the topic makes it easier to break the rules by mistake. Is copy right laws considered or included in common license?

Feedback about your presentation:

Your presentation begins with an introduction, three relative points about the topic, and a conclusion.

You have given appropriate time for each section of the presentation.

Sometimes, if a presentation is too long, the audience can be lost.

Great outline!


Belinda Van Norman said...

Common license is basically "lets you dictate how others may use your work. The Creative Commons license allows you to keep your copyright but allows others to copy and distribute your work provided they give you credit and only on the conditions you specify". (

authiera said...


You have done a great job with your storyboard. It is very thorough, especially for the limited amount of time we have to present the video.

Is there a point in your presentation where you will discuss the different types of Creative Commons licenses?

Belinda Van Norman said...

My topic is not actually "CREATIVE" common license. It is just common license. However, I may find somewhere in the video to mention the different types. Thanks - Belinda V